Badger Baiters Targeted

January 10, 2012

Press Release 10th January 2012

As part of an ongoing operation “Operation Meles” the public are being asked to be on the alert for any suspicious behaviour they see at or near badger setts they may know about. Historically between now and the end of April is the time of the year when badger baiters are at their most active and setts are under threat now. Badgers will be well into the breeding season and pregnant females and subsequently females with cubs will be targeted. If groups of men with dogs are seen acting suspiciously the public are urged to telephone the police as soon as possible. Alternately call Crime Stoppers on 0800 555 111 or your local animal welfare charity[1]. However they are also warned not to get directly involved as some of the people engaged in this type of crime can be extremely violent.

Badger illegally killed in Lancashire

A gang of men caught and found guilty of baiting badgers were today (10/01/12) sentenced at Scarborough Magistrates court with four receiving prison sentences of 16 weeks, two were given suspended 12 week sentences and one juvenile was ordered to carry out voluntary work.

Two badgers were found dead having been ripped apart by dogs including a female badger whose unborn cubs were torn from her body by the dogs controlled by these criminals. It is thought that a third badger was also killed or at least seriously injured as only the tail of the animal was found.

Without the courageous intervention of a member of the public this case would never have come to court. Please help us to stamp out this horrendous type of crime and abject cruelty inflicted on both the badgers and the dogs used to commit these offences.

Ian Hutchison
UK Crime Prevention Lead

Operation Meles – Partners working together to combat badger persecution by gathering intelligence and targeting offenders

RSPCA 0300 1234 999

SSPCA 03000 999 999

USPCA 07739 948 520

Badger Trust 08458 287878

Learn About Badgers!
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Help & Advice
Our website is packed full or helpful advice and facts about badgers and how the handle them in numerous situations.
If you’re concerned about
badger welfare in relation
to property development.
If you find a badger in need
of urgent care or in distress
then call us immediately on
our dedicated Phone line and
select Option 1. 08448 707 908
Not everyone wants badgers in their garden, we know that they can dig up lawns, eat bulbs and generally make a mess.

Please contact us on for advice on your specific problem with badgers in your garden, we are happy to help.